Home > WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services > Integration Model > Hosted Checkout Integration

WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 05-04-23   |   Updated date: 09-09-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.6  |   API version: 81

Hosted Checkout Integration

The ‘Hosted Checkout’ model enables you to gather payment details from your payer through an interface hosted and presented by the Mastercard Payment Gateway. With this integration model, you do not directly view or manage payment details since they are collected by the hosted payment interface and transmitted directly from the payer’s browser to the Mastercard Payment Gateway.

  • For the Checkout Interaction, you can select either “Redirect to Payment Page” or “Embedded.”
  • Selecting “Redirect to Payment Page” will take you to another page to enter the user’s payment details.
  • The “Embedded” option allows you to enter the user’s card details directly in the Payment Options section.
Redirect to Payment Page