Home > WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services > Configuration > Hosted Session Configuration

WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 05-04-23   |   Updated date: 09-09-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.6  |   API version: 81

Hosted Session Configuration

Please find a brief description of the fields in the ‘Hosted Checkout’ configuration page:


  • Enable/Disable: Tick the ‘Enable’ option to enable the extension to use it as your WooCommerce payment method.
  • Title: Enter the text that needs to be displayed in the front-end checkout page/payment method section.
  • Description: Enter the description that needs to be displayed in the front-end checkout page/payment method section.
  • Gateway: Select the gateway instance based on your account region.
  • Custom Gateway Host: Enter the Custom URL. This field will be displayed if you have selected the Gateway Instance as a Custom URL.
  • Transaction Mode: There are two transaction modes (payment flow methods): Purchase and Authorize.
  • Purchase
    When you choose ‘Transaction Mode’ as Purchase, transactions will occur automatically. Once users enter their card details and submit an order, the total order amount will be deducted from their card. Subsequently, it will be automatically transferred to the merchant’s account. Although there may be a delay in reflecting the amount in the merchant’s account, the process is entirely automated.
  • Authorize
    When you choose ‘Transaction Mode’ as Authorize, the merchant will be required to manually process transactions and accept the payment amount. Capturing funds manually can be accomplished through both the WooCommerce Admin interface and the merchant’s Mastercard Payment Gateway account login.
  • Integration Model: Choose the integration model as Hosted Session.
  • 3D-Secure: Select the security level of the user’s card to provide an extra layer of security for completing the order process. After the user enters the card details, it will redirect to the user’s bank payment gateway for verification. If the option is not enabled, after placing the order and entering card details, the order will be placed. No extra layer of security will be there. This field will be displayed only if you have selected the Integration Model as a Hosted Session.
  • You can select either:
  • Disabled – The order will be placed after placing the order and the card details have been verified.
  • 3DS1 – This security level allows payers to authenticate their issuer’s Access Control Server (ACS) by entering a password previously registered with their card issuer. Supported authentication schemes include Mastercard SecureCode™, Verified by Visa™, American Express SafeKey™, J/Secure™, and Diners Club ProtectBuy™.
  • 3DS2 (with fallback to 3DS1) – This security level is the new version designed to enhance security in online purchases while providing frictionless checkouts to payers who are considered low-risk by the Access Control Server (ACS). The ACS may determine the risk using the information provided by the merchant, browser fingerprinting, and/or previous interactions with the payer. The ACS subjects the payer to a challenge (for example, entering a PIN) only where additional verification is required to authenticate the payer, thereby providing increased conversion rates. Supported authentication schemes include Mastercard SecureCode™, Verified by Visa™, American Express SafeKey™, Diners Club/Discover ProtectBuy, and JCB J/Secure.
  • Saved Cards: Check this option to enable customers to save their cards for future purchases. No card details will be stored on the owner’s website, and customers will still need to input the CSC/CVV code, which appears on the back of the card, to the right of the signature panel. This field will only be displayed if you have chosen the Integration Model as a Hosted Session.
  • Debug Logging: Enable this option to log data into ./wp-content/mastercard.log. Please note that logging is only available if the Sandbox Mode is enabled.
  • Test Sandbox: Check this option to configure your Merchant credentials to Test mode. In Test mode, you can verify if the payment transactions are functioning correctly. Uncheck this option if you intend to switch to Live mode. You can add credentials for both test and live modes simultaneously. Each mode has its own set of credential fields, which you need to fill out separately. This enables you to switch between modes without having to re-enter your credentials every time.
  • Please set up your Merchant credentials in TEST mode and ensure that everything functions correctly.
  • If you have unchecked the ‘Test Sandbox’ option, the fields below will be displayed as Merchant ID, API Password, and Order ID Prefix.
  • Test Merchant ID: Enter your test merchant ID.
  • Test API password: Enter the API password from your merchant account.
  • Order ID Prefix: Enter the order ID prefix. This is necessary in case multiple integrations utilize the same Merchant ID. This precaution helps prevent the occurrence of duplicate Order IDs, which could potentially result in payment issues.

Handling Fee: Allows the addition of mandatory or optional extra fees on the checkout page. These fees can be applied as either a fixed amount or a percentage of the subtotal.


  • Enable/Disable: Check the ‘Enable’ box to activate the handling fee feature and include it in the cart total.
  • Handling Fee Text: Enter the text to be displayed in the front-end checkout page.
  • Applicable Amount Type: Select either “Fixed” or “Percentage” from the dropdown menu to determine how the handling fee will be calculated.
  • Amount: Enter the specific amount if “Fixed” is selected or enter the percentage to be applied to the subtotal if “Percentage” is selected.


Click the “Save Changes” button to save the modifications made on the ‘Mastercard Payment Gateway Services Configuration’ page.