Home > WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services > Managing Transactions > Void Transaction

WooCommerce – MasterCard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 05-04-23   |   Updated date: 09-09-24   |   Plugin version: 1.4.6  |   API version: 81

Void Transaction

In the WooCommerce Mastercard payment module, you have the option to perform a void transaction. This functionality is specifically available for orders that have been authorized but not yet captured, configured as “Authorize” orders.

To void a transaction in the WooCommerce Mastercard payment module, follow these steps:


1. Navigate to: WooCommerce > Orders.
2. Select the order to void.
3. In the Order Actions box, use the dropdown to select Void.

4. Click the Update button.
The payment will be voided, an order note will be added, and the order status will be set to Cancelled.