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Simplify Commerce Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

Created date: 06-04-23   |   Updated date: 29-08-24   |   Plugin version: 2.4.2  |   SDK version: 1.7.0

Internal Testing

Once you have successfully configured your WooCommerce Mastercard Payment Gateway Services – Simplify, a few basic tests should be performed to make sure your implementation is working as expected. The scenarios that follow should be considered the minimum level of testing and MasterCard Payment Gateway Services encourage the creation of your test scenarios that suit your specific business needs.

To access the MasterCard Payment Gateway test simulator, ensure the gateway mode is set to Sandbox. The test simulator is configured to generate predictable results based on the transaction request and card details you supply.
You can trigger specific transaction responses, for example, the MasterCard Payment Gateway Response Code and Card Security Code validation, as well as Address Verification response codes. You can also test features like Risk Management and Wallet functionality. The test card details can be found here.

  1. Successful Authorization
    • Ensure you can perform a successful transaction through the WooCommerce checkout.
    • Ensure the transaction is showing the correct state in both the WooCommerce Admin Panel and Merchant Administration
  2. Declined Authorization
    • Ensure declined transactions have the correct state in the WooCommerce Admin Panel.
  3. Create an Invoice & Capture Online
    • Create an invoice from an authorized transaction.
    • Ensure the transaction is showing the correct state in both the WooCommerce Admin Panel and Merchant Administration
  4. Submit a full refund for an invoiced order
    • Ensure you can refund the full amount of the order successfully.
    • Ensure the transaction is showing the correct state in both the WooCommerce Admin Panel and Merchant Administration
  5. Submit a partial refund for an invoiced order
    • Ensure you can successfully refund a partial amount of the full order.
    • Ensure the transaction is showing the correct state in both the WooCommerce Admin Panel and Merchant Administration
  6. Refund, Capture, Void via Merchant Administration
    • In some business scenarios, it may be necessary to undertake certain actions via Merchant Administration. It is possible (with the correct user privileges) to perform refunds, voids, and captures via the Gateway Interface.
    • You should ensure you have sufficient business processes in place to manually update the order state in WooCommerce where necessary.