Home > OpenCart – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services > Configuration > Additional Options

OpenCart – Mastercard Payment Gateway Services

Created date: 05-04-23   |   Updated date: 30-08-24   |   Plugin version: 1.3.1  |   API version: 78

Additional Options

In the ‘Additional Options’ tab, you can select the debug mode, order ID prefix and order status for different payment cases.

Additional Options tab

Please find a brief description of the fields in the ‘Additional Options’ tab.

  • Debug: Select the option ‘Yes’ to enable the merchant’s logging. Note that debug logging works only in Test mode. It will log all the information into /storage/logs/mpgs_gateway.log file.
  • Order ID Prefix: Specify the order ID prefix. This is necessary if multiple integrations share the same Merchant ID to prevent potential duplicates in Order IDs, which could result in payment issues.
  • Approved Status: Select the order status to be displayed for approved payments.
  • Declined Status: Select the order status to be displayed for declined payments.
  • Pending Status: Select the order status to be displayed for pending payments.
  • Risk review required Status: Select the order status to be displayed for risk review required payments.
  • Declined by Risk Assessment: Select the order status to be displayed for declined by risk payments.

On this workspace, the merchant can select the desired Order Status to be applied automatically for different payment cases.

Click on the Save button to save the changes made in the ‘Mastercard Payment Gateway Services Configuration’ page.